South Crestview Campus eLetter

Thursday, May 2, 2024

From Our Campus Pastor

As many of you have probably already seen, there are lots of exciting new things happening around our campus. PJ Adams now has all four lanes open past our campus and the traffic light is up and running, our new parking lot on Key Lime Place is now finished and ready for parking, and lots of new sidewalks and landscaping are being installed as well. All of this not only makes our campus more beautiful but also makes it more functional for everyone, including guests, to easily get to campus and get to where we all need to be.

Along with all these exciting additions comes a new crosswalk on campus crossing Key Lime Place near the new traffic light. We want to encourage you to please use one of the two crosswalks when crossing Key Lime Place as this helps us ensure everyone’s safety. In addition to the crosswalks, there will also be a traffic safety team member out there on Sundays to help direct people and traffic between services so please follow their instructions. If you are interested in serving on this team, please email Lisa Ausley at to get more info or sign up.

back church exit

Finally, in case you are unaware, if you are turning right onto PJ Adams when leaving campus, we encourage you to use the back exit (pictured in the graphic above) rather than the traffic light on Key Lime Place. This allows you to be able to leave campus quicker and reduces the traffic backing up at the main intersection on PJ Adams. Thanks for being a part of all the new and exciting things God is doing on our campus and we look forward to seeing you on Sunday as we continue in our series, You Asked For It!

Have a great week!

Jagger Eastman

Jagger Eastman, Campus Pastor

Jagger Eastman

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